5 sex tips that won’t help you
Finding good information on the internet is difficult, and it has to do with Google rankings.
By now, we’ve all heard that without good sexual education, people learn how to have sex through porn, and that’s problematic. You know what else is problematic? Learning about sex through articles whose explicit purpose is to sell you a product or rank better on google.
Farewell, My Oasis
Friends, I have news. I am leaving my position as Event Coordinator and Engagement Liaison at Oasis Aqualounge. For me, this is a Big Fucking Deal, and was an incredibly difficult decision for me to make.
How Autism Parenting Classes Made My Sex Life Better
Setting clear expectations for behaviour is a skill I had to learn so I could be a better care provider, but it has made me better at communicating my needs in a sexual setting.
Everything I Learned About Consent I Learned at a Sex Club
The place where I finally learned the nuances of consent and how to navigate it in my personal relationships wasn’t from sexual health education, it was from a sex club. I am of course speaking, again, about Oasis Aqualounge.
Beach Body Ready
It’s that time of the year again – the time where brands explain how to get beach-ready for the summer, with the obligatory sponsored content to support your transformation. In just 21 days, you too can be ripped for the beach, but only if you buy our products!

Power Move
This collection is about knowing what your body is capable of and feeling empowered by your own strength. Power Move is an ode to the commitment we make to competing with ourselves to be better and do better, both in the gym and outside of it.
The No No Guide to DMs, Or: How to be a part of Polite Society on the Internet
Hey is the most vague and useless opener. If this is all you’re sending, I’ll have to assume that you’re a very boring person. What am I supposed to do with this? Say hey back? What do you want from me? How much emotional labour am I going to have to spend on you if I respond? Do you lack basic conversational skills? If you’re asking a question, just ask it so I know if I want to respond or not. I may not want to respond. You’re going to have to deal with it.

The Quest for the Perfect Breast Holder
Many of the pieces I have seen online (and was taught to draft for) are modelled on people who are either small breasted or fake breasted. As a former big-tiddie bitch (who is happy with her currently medium sized breasts), it would frustrate me to see pieces with no support, or improper fit being sold at a high price.
Flirting Tips for Absolute Beginners
Flirting is a skill that we expect people to pick up on their own, but is in fact learned and can be practiced.
Nine months have now passed since I left my job as Associate Regional Director at a prominent Jewish youth group, and a question I get from many can be summarized as, “Why did you leave a respectable job to post your ass on the internet and be a generally ridiculous person?”
Sex Jobs That Aren’t Sex Work
Why do people think sex workers exist in a vacuum, unrelated to the rest of society? I took a few minutes to brainstorm all the roles in the sex industry that are not sex work, but support sex work in different ways.
Boundaries: A Rant in 3 Acts
Prurient: Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters. When I first heard this word, I thought, “finally, a one word summary of who I am." My interest in sex was never exclusively an interest in hedonistic fuck-fests.
Beginners Guide to a Latex Capsule Wardrobe
Curating a capsule wardrobe is a careful and thoughtful art. You might think it’s just for the normies, but it’s a worthwhile approach to take with latex, as well!
5 Ways Camp Prepared Me to Run Sex Parties
There are certain skills you learn as a camp counsellor that are directly useful for the job as an event planner and facilitator at a sex club.